Sheboygan County Food Bank

Hunger hides, sometimes in plain sight. . .

Sheboygan County Food Bank tracks the latest sources to bring you information about hunger in Sheboygan County.

Sheboygan County children under 5 years old are living in poverty
Sheboygan County seniors (ages 60+) are living in poverty
Sheboygan County residents are facing hunger

Snapshot of Hunger in Sheboygan County (as of January 2025)

12,493 residents received SNAP (FoodShare)

Approximately 11% of residents are facing hunger

Childhood Poverty and Hunger in Sheboygan County

6,219 children under five years old are living in poverty

18,922 children ages 5-17 are living in poverty

7,469 students ages 5-18 who attend public school districts qualify for free or reduced price meals

Emergency Food Programs

Federal and state programs work to help end hunger in Sheboygan County. Sheboygan County Food Bank supports federal and state anti-hunger programs that act as the first line of defense against hunger and integrates local services where possible. Learn more about these programs below.